“Where the Buck Stops”
As the seasons change and Autumn approaches Winter, we always take time to slow down and enjoy this time of change… New schedules for work, school and home life…
This piece does exactly that for me… I look at this piece and I am drawn back to my youth where a scene such as this was all too common and where I spent many evenings and weekends exploring the vast farmlands and fields surrounding my childhood home. The Fall days turned to cooler nights and before we knew it the Winter snows were falling. In this painting, I see all these memories, I see some of my happiest days as a child and young adult and I see the future of peaceful moments with my young children, I see what Martin and I, as parents, hope to impart to them… It is our hope that this piece can speak to each one of you in your own unique and personal way and share a bit of this sense of deep gratitude and reflection it brings to us.
Purpose: Created for Martin’s body of work
Category: North American Wildlife
Media: Canvas
Year: 2017
Dimensions: 24″ x 48″