Windy Poppies

Windy Poppies

DescriptionDetailsSpecifications “Windy Poppies”    Poppies have been one of Martin’s signature pieces for some time and we love this piece so much!  Purpose: Created for Martin’s body of work       Category: floral Media: Canvas...
Butterfly III

Butterfly III

DescriptionDetailsSpecifications “Tenderness”   Color, depth, design, subject matter…. So much goes into the execution of a paint sculpture and we are so pleased to share this masterpiece with you! Purpose: created for body of work    ...
Butterfly II

Butterfly II

DescriptionDetailsSpecifications “Butterfly II”   This painting was designed for an avid butterfly lover. Share our love of the stunning detail and enjoy! Purpose: Commissioned work       Category: commission Media: Canvas   Year:...
Butterfly I

Butterfly I

DescriptionDetailsSpecifications “Butterfly I”     We love the amazing detail of these lifesize monarchs! Zoom in on the detail pictures for Martin’s incredible attention to detail! Purpose: Commissioned work       Category:...
Sonoran Desert Sunset Commission

Sonoran Desert Sunset Commission

DescriptionDetailsSpecifications “Sonoran Desert Sunset Commission” Designed for a fantastic space, we love the energy and amazing detail in this massive painting! The cacti detail and incredible colors make this a stunning masterpiece. Martin’s...